Thursday, 18 April 2013

New Song

What would be the point in new sites and new URL's without a new song, I hear you cry? I've traded in the studio for a nursery and although fatherhood leaves little time for recording, it does give me something new to sing about (Singing about drunken one night stands wore a bit thin with the Mrs once we got married :-o))

Anyway, here it is: "Baby Blue". I hope you enjoy!

New Site

I thought I was being generous and providing links to places where my music could be downloaded for free. I was wrong. Wordpress had disabled links to external sites that weren't partnered with Wordpress and my links were going nowhere... So I put two fingers up to Wordpress and moved to Blogger. It's really just the same site with a wee bit of a facelift(and links that actually work).

New URL I lost the .com one but at least the elephants are happy :-)