Monday, 8 November 2010

"Writing a New Score" on Dalecast #783

Back from holiday again to find that Steve's played another song, "Writing a New Score" on the show - merci buckets mon ami! ;)

The site -
The feed -

The show -

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Writing a New Score

My friend, Richie Babel, seems to be well and truly back to being his cocky little frontman self again but that's not the Richie that inspired this song.
This song was written from the perspective of the more pessimistic, downbeat Richie, when his band wouldn't let him sing or use his songs and he would say things like -
The other side of this though is that I now fing that when I'm writing something, I'm more likely to abandon it and discard it as another cliché, i.e. "you've been there and done that a thousand times ...".

And I find myself playing the chord that sounds best, looking for the next part of the progression and thinking "well, yeah, that's OK, but it's a bit obvious isn't it"

And my personal favourite :-D -'re mostly left with 1-4-5 and sometimes the minor second and a bloke that can't sing to save his life.
The same certainly goes for the entire album I wrote.
So here it is, "Writing a New Score", the first recording of the new guitar as well. hope you enjoy!

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Holy Mojo Photo's

I got round to taking some snaps of the holy mojo on my new guitar.

Do you?

Cos you gotta have...




Gimme 5000 of those -


Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Holy mojo!

I treated myself to a new guitar recently. Well, I say new, it's 21 years old but it's new to me! I'm the guitars 3rd owner, the 1st owner was a preacher in the States who had adorned the guitar with some stickers (Shouldn't a preacher know better than to commit sacrilege?!). The second owner removed the stickers but in the 20 years they'd been on there, they'd left a bit of a 'T' shirt tan...
So now on the guitar you can see, in glorious T shirt tan, the words "Jesus", "Believe" and "Faith" plus the outline of a small Christian fish symbol...
So the guitar has some holy mojo, don't know how it'll feel about my songs of drunken one night stands and general debauchery but it's a dream to play and I absolutely love it.
I'm nearly finished recording the first song with it, "Writing a New Score", I just need to do a few finishing touches and I'll have it here for you in the next few days.

Here's a picture of the guitar, for the guitar geeks out there it's a Larrivée LV-03E. The picture is just the eBay picture from the seller, I'll get some better ones done at some point with some close ups of the holy mojo T shirt tans ;)

Saturday, 4 September 2010

A couple of podcast plays

Howdy folks,

another couple of podcast plays:

The SmorgShowPodcast #031
The site -
The feed -

The show -

Filmed but not Forgotten #144
The site -
The feed -

The show -

Friday, 13 August 2010

"In The Pygmalion Bar" on show #773 of Dalecast

I just got back from holiday to find that Steve's played "In The Pygmalion Bar" on last weeks show - good man! ;)

The site -
The feed -

The show -

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Set Us All Free on Michael Angels Cosmic Grab Bag #200

Happy show 200, Michael!

I had my first play on Michaels show a couple of weeks ago and honoured to be back again!

The site -
The feed -

The show -

Blueray Man on Indie Music Sampler #194

It's great to be back on the Indie Music Sampler again.
A big shout out to Paul the music lover!
Blueray Man, this song split the audience, a lot of people didn't really 'get' it but Paul's obviously a man of wealth and taste ;)

The site -
Subscribe to the feed -

The Show -

Set Us All Free on Dalecast #769

My old friend Steve's given me a lot of airplay over the past couple of years.
Five times a week the show goes out, now that's dedication! You've got to tune in to hear The Bradshaws, a little comedy mixed in with a great selection of new, independent, podsafe music.

The site -
The feed -

The show -

Dalecast, Indie Music Sampler, Michael Angels Cosmic Grab Bag

It's been a bonanza week for me in the podisphere with songs on three different shows! - Dalecast, Indie Music Sampler and Michael Angels Cosmic Grab Bag.

I'll do separate blog entries for each so that I can post all relevant feeds, website links and direct links to the podcasts for each without getting all mixed up.

It's always a good motivator getting a podcast play so this should get me revved up and recording another new song over the next couple of weeks ;)

Friday, 16 July 2010

Set Us All Free

New song, folks. Well, not that new but I finally got around to finishing it off ;)

[soundcloud url="" params="show_comments=true&auto_play=false&color=673d18" width="100%" height="81" ]

Set Us All Free

Monday, 12 July 2010

Singin da blooze

I've been learning a new finger picking style of an old blues guy from the 1920's, Mississippi John Hurt, and decided to do a wee video clip.

Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Podcast play – Dalecast #765

"Blueray Man" played on today's show (Cheers Steve ;))

Subscribe to the Dalecast podcast

Friday, 25 June 2010

“The Girls Got Shoes” on Dalecast episode 760

A big shout out to Steve at Dalecast for another podshow play, this time it's "The Girls Got Shoes" on episode 760

As always you can checkout the show at where you can also subscribe to the feed

Or even easier, you can click here for the feed -
Subscribe to the Dalecast podcast

Thursday, 24 June 2010

New music added

I've added a player to the music page with some new tunes on it ( ), they are -

All For Show, The Girls Got Shoes, Blueray Man and In The Pygmalion Bar

I suppose it's like an EP for the next album which I'm currently working on. I reckon the album will be finished next spring, I'll upload each song as it's recorded anyway though, seeing as I'll be giving it all away for free anyway.
If you subscribe to the feed for this blog or follow me on Twitter or Facebook then you'll be updated whenever something new is posted.

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

“Empty Glass” played on “Michael Angel’s Cosmic Grab Bag” podcast

"Empty Glass" played on "Michael Angel's Cosmic Grab Bag" podcast.

Mucho gracias to Michael, check out his show here:

Monday, 14 June 2010

‘All For Show’ played on Dalecast episode #754

A big thankyou to Steve for playing 'All For Show' on Saturdays show.

Friday, 11 June 2010

In The Pygmalion Bar- New Song

A new song for you people, In The Pygmalion Bar. A song based on a true story, experienced by many...

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Press and Photo pages added to the site

I've added press and photo pages to the site -

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Facebook band page added

I added a band page to facebook for all music related stuff (mostly it'll be updated with what's on this blog but if you prefer to facebook, it's the way to go)-

Monday, 7 June 2010

Music page added

I've added a music page which, at the moment, has a SoundCloud player with all the tracks from "Sideshow" and links to download each track from SoundCloud.

I'm working on some new material at the moment and will upload some of that later this week.

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

New website

Howdy folks,

I've put together a new website, the MySpace page is still there (if anyone still uses MySpace?) but from here on I'll be posting all my new songs, videos, news etc. on the new wordpress site.
The url is still the same or you can also use

Also any time I post anything on my blog here, it will automatically appear on my Facebook Wall and a link will be tweeted as well. So no need to come here searching for new stuff, just follow me on twitter, add me as a friend on Facebook or if you use an RSS reader you can subscribe to the feed.
There are handy buttons for each of these - RSS, Facebook, Twitter underneath the header on the site.

Have a look around the site and feel free to leave a comment,

Que la force soi avec toi!


Tuesday, 1 June 2010

"tic-toc" played on Dalecast podcast

A big thankyou to Steve for playing tic-toc!

You can subscribe to the Dalecast podcast from the site -

Monday, 31 May 2010

“All For Show” was played as the opening track on the podcast “Suffolk ‘n’ Cool”, show 213.

"All For Show" was played as the opening track on the podcast "Suffolk 'n' Cool", show 213.

A big thankyou to Peter for playing the tune and also the piece he did after the track. Much appreciated Pete ;-)

Best independent music podcast in the webisphere, visit the site, subscribe to the podcast -

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Blueray Man

A recent tune you may not have heard yet, "Blueray Man".


[soundcloud url="" params="show_comments=true&auto_play=false&color=0086ff" width="100%" height="81" ]

"Stroll On" used for Slackline Tools promo video

"Stroll On" used for Slackline Tools promo video: