Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Writing a New Score

My friend, Richie Babel, seems to be well and truly back to being his cocky little frontman self again but that's not the Richie that inspired this song.
This song was written from the perspective of the more pessimistic, downbeat Richie, when his band wouldn't let him sing or use his songs and he would say things like -
The other side of this though is that I now fing that when I'm writing something, I'm more likely to abandon it and discard it as another cliché, i.e. "you've been there and done that a thousand times ...".

And I find myself playing the chord that sounds best, looking for the next part of the progression and thinking "well, yeah, that's OK, but it's a bit obvious isn't it"

And my personal favourite :-D -
...you're mostly left with 1-4-5 and sometimes the minor second and a bloke that can't sing to save his life.
The same certainly goes for the entire album I wrote.
So here it is, "Writing a New Score", the first recording of the new guitar as well. hope you enjoy!

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Holy Mojo Photo's

I got round to taking some snaps of the holy mojo on my new guitar.

Do you?

Cos you gotta have...




Gimme 5000 of those -


Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Holy mojo!

I treated myself to a new guitar recently. Well, I say new, it's 21 years old but it's new to me! I'm the guitars 3rd owner, the 1st owner was a preacher in the States who had adorned the guitar with some stickers (Shouldn't a preacher know better than to commit sacrilege?!). The second owner removed the stickers but in the 20 years they'd been on there, they'd left a bit of a 'T' shirt tan...
So now on the guitar you can see, in glorious T shirt tan, the words "Jesus", "Believe" and "Faith" plus the outline of a small Christian fish symbol...
So the guitar has some holy mojo, don't know how it'll feel about my songs of drunken one night stands and general debauchery but it's a dream to play and I absolutely love it.
I'm nearly finished recording the first song with it, "Writing a New Score", I just need to do a few finishing touches and I'll have it here for you in the next few days.

Here's a picture of the guitar, for the guitar geeks out there it's a Larrivée LV-03E. The picture is just the eBay picture from the seller, I'll get some better ones done at some point with some close ups of the holy mojo T shirt tans ;)